■Sunday Morning Service

  • <Service Time>
  • On Every Sunday From 10 o'clock in the Morning
  • <Place of Worship>
  • Machida Civic Center, Meeting Room No.1

■Machida Charismatic Meeting

  • <Time and Date>
  • October 13 (Satur) from 14:30pm
  • <Place>
  • B-life Building (please contact us for the place)

■for further informations, please contact;

  • The Lord's Cross Christian Center Machida Church
  • TEL: 080-3444-6407(Pastor Paul Yumino)

Greetings from The Pastor


Welcome to Machida Church's Website !


About our church:

The Lord's Cross Christian Center Machida Church is a Bible centered Protestant church. We firmly believes that whole Bible, consinting of 66 Books, is the infallible Words of God、and the only solid basis of our faith. From this point of view, we regard Jesus Christ as the head of the church and the Senior Pastor. The most important principle of our faith , therefore, is to hear His words and faithfully obey His orders. Such Words are given through reading those Words of God and through sincere prayer.

Another important principle of our faith is to believe that various works of spiritual gifts described in the Bible, are still available and should be used in current churches. In this context, the ideal church is the one where Five Positions of the Church, apostle, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers are actively working to build-up His Kingdom. We concentrate our efforts to realize such church as we are told by God that our important mission is to work for Him at the time of Revival and Last Days.

In making such walks, we may be able to define ourselves as; a Church of Praise and Worship, a Church of Healing, a Church using Spiritual Gifts, a Church of doing Overseas Mission works, a Church Helping Orphans, a Church using Media, a Church which pray for the Peace of Israel and a Church where Ladies play important role. We are also proud to call ourselves "a Church of Praise and Thanks". Because "Praise and Thanks" is the basis of faith of Pastor Merin Carothers, a famaous evangelist in U.S.A., and we are eager to be a successor in his faith.


For the first time visitors:

Jesus Christ loves each one of us, fills us with His grace, and richly blesses our lives. He also heals us and frees us from various bandages. We , at Machida Church, always hope and pray that as many people as possible could come to know this wonderful God and experience the love and peace which Jesus Christ, our living God, is going to give you.


May God richly bless all of you who visited our website ! We also look forward to seeing you at our church's Sunday Worship.
We, at Machida Church, are ready to have prayer time for the healing, solution of problems and the time for couseling for you all.